Email & Collaboration
    Threat Protection

    Stay ahead of threats and defend against the most sophisticated email and collaboration attacks with AI-powered detection.

    Get ahead of sophisticated threats

    Outsmart attackers with technology that adapts to combat advanced threat tactics.

    • Effectively detect evolving threats using proven AI-based protection.
    • Prevent sophisticated attacks across email and collaboration tools.
    • Go beyond prevention with a comprehensive solution that helps reduce time to remediate attacks after they occur.

    Protect users however they work

    Identify your riskiest users and mitigate risk from collaboration.

    • Stop spoofing and phishing attacks that prey on user error within tools like Teams, Slack, or Zoom.
    • Gain actionable visibility into your most targeted - and your most susceptible - users to tailor defenses.
    • Implement a holistic strategy to address human risk across the expanded attack surface.

    Remain productive and agile

    Preserve business operation and resilience in the face of cyber threats.

    • Enhance organizational resilience by ensuring rapid recovery from data loss incidents, minimizing downtime, and maintaining business continuity
    • Easily recover email, contact, and calendar data when you need it most.
    • Automate and easily manage daily tasks and remediate email incidents with ease through a single management console.
    • Extend email intelligence through threat sharing and enhanced detections via simplified integrations with SIEM, XDR, and more.

    “If you are using Office365 you can’t assume enterprise grade threat protection. You need Mimecast in front to give you the level of protection you need.”

    Ben Tobgui, IT Operations Manager, Forever New

    Trusted by over 42k customers

    Mimecast is proud to protect and support 42,000+ organizations globally, helping
    them keep ahead of the ever-expanding security threat landscape.

    Customer logo - 227x87 - cushman.webp
    Customer logo - 227x87 - hp.webp
    Customer logo - 227x87 - nch.webp
    Customer logo - 227x87 - new balance.webp

    The Human Risk Management Platform

    To effectively safeguard an organization’s collaboration, a unified platform with integrated protection across all communication channels—email, chat, and file-sharing—is essential. This approach ensures comprehensive threat detection and mitigation, eliminating gaps in security and streamlining operations.

    Ready to get started?

    Keep ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape with Mimecast

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