Mimecast DMARC Analyzer

    DMARC Check

    Display your DMARC record and verify whether your organization is using external domains.
    DMARC Record Checker

    Use the DMARC record checker tool to validate
    your DMARC records in seconds

    In order to implement DMARC, you need a valid DMARC record. To perform a DMARC record check you simply need to provide your company domain name. The Mimecast DMARC Record Check will then look up your DMARC record from the DNS and return an error message if no record is available or found.

    If your domain’s DMARC record is found, the policy will be displayed (see the glossary below for definitions of the tags found in the checker results). The results will also show if there are any problems with your DMARC record and whether you are using external domains.

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    Your results

    Full DMARC record

    Declared tags

    Tag Value Description

    Defaulted tags

    Tag Value Description
    Tag Value Description
    v DMARC protocol version.
    p Apply this policy to email that fails the DMARC check. This policy be set to 'none', 'quarantine', or 'reject'. 'none' is used to collect the DMARC report and gain insight into the current emailflows and their status.
    rua A list of URIs for ISPs to send XML feedback to. NOTE: this is not a list of email addresses. DMARC requires a list of URIs of the form 'mailto:test@example.com'.
    ruf A list of URIs for ISPs to send forensic reports to. NOTE: this is not a list of email addresses. DMARC requires a list of URIs of the form 'mailto:test@example.org'.
    pct The percentage tag instructs ISPs to only apply the DMARC policy to a percentage of failing email's. 'pct = 50' will tell receivers to only apply the 'p = ' policy 50% of the time against email's that fail the DMARC check. NOTE: this will not work for the 'none' policy, but only for 'quarantine' or 'reject' policies.
    fo 0 Forensic options. Allowed values: '0' to generate reports if both DKIM and SPF fail, '1' to generate reports if either DKIM or SPF fails to produce a DMARC pass result, 'd' to generate report if DKIM has failed or 's' if SPF failed.
    rf afrf The reporting format for forensic reports. This can be either 'afrf' or 'iodef'.
    adkim r Specifies the 'Alignment Mode' for DKIM signatures, this can be either 'r' (Relaxed) or 's' (Strict). In Relaxed mode also authenticated DKIM signing domains (d=) that share a Organizational Domain with an emails From domain will pass the DMARC check. In Strict mode an exact match is required.
    aspf r Specifies the 'Alignment Mode' for SPF, this can be either 'r' (Relaxed) or 's' (Strict). In Relaxed mode also authenticated SPF domains that share a Organizational Domain with an emails From domain will pass the DMARC check. In Strict mode an exact match is required.
    sp p=value This policy should be applied to email from a sub-domain of this domain that fail the DMARC check. Using this tag domain owners can publish a 'wildcard' policy for all subdomains.
    ri 86400 The reporting interval for how often you'd like to receive aggregate XML reports. This is a preference and ISPs could (and most likely will) send the report on different intervals (normally this will be daily).

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    Get started with DMARC Analyzer to protect your brand from domain spoofing!

    Gain full visibility into all email senders using your domain to identify legitimate vs. fraudulent senders and block delivery of all unauthenticated mail.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Explore more details about DMARC Records.

    DMARC – or Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance – is a protocol for email authentication, policy and reporting. Designed to help prevent email impersonation, DMARC allows senders to let recipients know that messages are protected by Sender Policy Framework and DomainKeys Identified Message (DKIM) protocols and provides instructions for how to handle messages that don't pass either of these authentication methods.

    DMARC enables receiving mail servers to check for alignment between the domain names in the "header from" and the "envelope from" information in an email using SPF authentication, and between the "header from" domain name and the "d= domain name" in the DKIM signature. If a message fails both SPF and DKIM authentication and alignment, a receiving mail server can perform a DMARC check of the sender's DMARC policy to determine whether the email message should be accepted, blocked or quarantined.

    A DMARC record is a DNS TXT record that is published in a domain's DNS database. A DMARC record tells receiving mail servers how to process messages that don't authenticate with SPF and/or DKIM. A DMARC policy may require that unauthenticated messages be quarantined, blocked or allowed to be sent on to the intended recipient. A DMARC record also reports information back to the domain owner about which messages authenticate, which don't and why.

    By authenticating email channels with DKIM and or SPF an organization can pass the DMARC check and become DMARC complaint. To become DMARC compliant, DKIM and or SPF must be set up aligned. Note that only DKIM or SPF must be set to be DMARC compliant. Read more about DMARC Compliant means.

    The SPF, DKIM, and DMARC alignment status is included within DMARC Aggregate reports. These Aggregate (RUA) reports are providing information on messages that are sent on behalf of a specific domain. These reports are needed in order to be able to gain insights into email channels that are sending email on behalf of a domain. With this information DMARC deployment specialists are able to determine which sending sources are legitimate and which are (possibly) malicious.

    In order to implement DMARC, organizations need a valid DMARC record. A DMARC record check is a tool that displays an organization's DMARC record while testing and verifying it to determine whether it's valid. Mimecast offers a free DMARC record check service that will test and parse a DMARC record and display it along with additional information.

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