Mimecast DMARC Analyzer

    BIMI Record Check

    Find the brand logo associated with your email domain, as well as the status of your SPF, DKIM, DMARC and BIMI records.

    Use our free tool to validate your BIMI record in seconds

    Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) is an emerging email specification that enables organizations to lock a brand-controlled logo to an email domain and have it appear on supporting email clients. BIMI adds an important element of trust for these logos and keeps brands in control.

    As your brand’s legitimate logo becomes more recognizable and trusted among your audiences, email engagement can increase, and the likelihood of email-borne attacks such as phishing or business email compromise (BEC) will decrease. The end goal is to increase the security and trust of an open, standards-based email ecosystem by building upon the adoption of DMARC on a global scale.

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    Get started with DMARC Analyzer to protect your brand from domain spoofing!

    Gain full visibility into all email senders using your domain to identify legitimate vs. fraudulent senders and block delivery of all unauthenticated mail.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Explore more details about BIMI records.

    Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) is an email standard that adds your brand logo to authenticated messages sent from your domain, displayed next to the messages within the mailbox.

    BIMI provides trusted senders control over how their brand is represented in email inboxes and providers improved security. BIMI builds upon DMARC ensuring the highest level of protection to ensure only authenticated sources are sending email on behalf of your domain. Users are able to more easily able to identify messages that aren't from legitimate sources reducing the risk of interaction with a phishing email.

    When mailbox providers receive an email and authenticate the message with DMARC, the provider also queries the DNS for the domain’s designated BIMI record. If verified, brands with valid BIMI records will then have their verified logo appear beside their emails in recipients’ inboxes.

    In order for an organization to use BIMI, it must already have SPF or DKIM set up, as well as DMARC. While these specifications help protect a domain from unauthorized spoofing, they do not provide a visual clue to the recipient that the email sender has been authenticated. BIMI-compliant domains will demonstrate this authenticity with a cryptographically protected logo, enabling the average end-user to easily discern legitimate senders.

    Successful implementation of BIMI requires emails to be authenticated— reducing the ability for brand spoofing emails. This is another safeguard preventing bad actors from using your brand to launch phishing attacks upon your customers. Implementation of BIMI highlights the commitment to email standards, alignment with industry compliance and email trustworthiness. There are also non security benefits to BIMI such as brand visibility through logo recognition and enhanced user engagement resulting in increased open rates.

    The journey to a BIMI-compliant brand, while well worth it, can take businesses some time and effort to complete. IT staff can refer to this implementation guide for instruction. Because the end goal is standardization, it mainly requires to first publish an SPF, DKIM, and DMARC record. Logos must also meet certain graphical specifications to ensure consistency across mailbox providers.

    The BIMI Generator will check the status of the domain’s SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and BIMI records even the SVG image, as well as generate a rough mockup of how the brand’s logo will spear in the inbox of a supporting mailbox provider.

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