Get Hold Message List


This API endpoint can be used to get information about held messages, including the reason, hold level, sender and recipients. The ID can be used to act on a message using the Release Message or Reject Message API endpoints.


  • In order to successfully use this endpoint the logged in user must be a Mimecast administrator with at least the Account | Dashboard | Read permission.


To use this endpoint you send a POST request to:

  • /api/gateway/get-hold-message-list

Request Headers

The following request headers must be included in your request:

Field Description
Authorization Please see the Authorization guide for more information on building the Authorization header.

A randomly generated GUID, for example,

x-mc-app-id The Application ID provided with your Registered API Application.

The current date and time in the following format, for example,

Tue, 24 Nov 2015 12:50:11 UTC

Request Body

"data": [
"admin": true,
"start": "2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000",
"searchBy": {
"fieldName": "String",
"value": "String"
"end": "2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000"
Field Type Required Description
admin Boolean Optional Level of results to return. If false, only results for the currenlty authenticated user will be returned. If true, held messages for all recipients will be returned. The default value is false.
searchBy Object Optional Object data used to filter results
start Date String Optional The date and time of the earliest message to return, in the following format, 2011-12-03T10:15:30+0000
end Date String Optional The date and time of the latest message to return, in the following format, 2011-12-03T10:15:30+0000
Field Type Required Description
value String Optional The text used to filter results
fieldName String Optional Message fields to filter based on. Possible values are: all, subject, sender, recipient, reason_code


"fail": [],
"meta": {
"status": 200
"data": [
"dateReceived": "String",
"reason": "String",
"reasonCode": "String",
"id": "String",
"size": 1000,
"from": {
"displayableName": "String",
"emailAddress": "String"
"hasAttachments": "true",
"route": "String",
"policyInfo": "String",
"fromHeader": {
"displayableName": "String",
"emailAddress": "String"
"to": {
"displayableName": "String",
"emailAddress": "String"
"reasonId": "String",
"subject": "String"
meta object
Field Type Description
status Number The function level status of the request.
Field Type Description
status Number The function level status of the request.
Field Type Description
id String The Mimecast secure ID for a message
reason String The summary reason for holding the message
reasonId String Mirrors the reason field, formatted without spaces. However, reasonCode should be used instead
reasonCode String Reason code for holding the message
from Object Contains the envelope sender information
fromHeader Object Contains the header sender information
to Object Contains the envelope recipient information
toHeader Object Contains the header recipient information
subject String The message subject
route String Direction of message being held. Possible values are: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL
hasAttachments Boolean Returns true if the message contains attachments. False indicates no attachments
size Integer The size of the message in bytes
dateReceived Date String The timestamp of the message transmission
policyInfo String Information or definition name triggering the message hold action

Sample Code

Sample code is provided to demonstrate how to use the API and is not representative of a production application. To use the sample code; complete the required variables as described, populate the desired values in the request body, and execute in your favorite IDE.  Please see the Global Base URL's page to find the correct base URL to use for your account.

POST {base_url}/api/gateway/get-hold-message-list
Authorization: MC {accesskKey}:{Base64 encoded signed Data To Sign}
x-mc-date: {dateTime}
x-mc-req-id: {unique id}
x-mc-app-id: {applicationId}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"searchBy": {
"value": "String",
"fieldName": "String"
"start": "2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000",
"admin": true,
"end": "2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000"
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