Get Support Info


  • In order to successfully use this endpoint the logged in user must be a Mimecast administrator with at least the Accounts | Dashboard | Read permission.


To use this endpoint you send a POST request to:

  • /api/account/get-support-info

Request Headers

The following request headers must be included in your request:

Field Description
Authorization Please see the Authorization guide for more information on building the Authorization header.

A randomly generated GUID, for example,

x-mc-app-id The Application ID provided with your Registered API Application.

The current date and time in the following format, for example,

Tue, 24 Nov 2015 12:50:11 UTC

Request Body

"data": []


"fail": [],
"meta": {
"status": 200
"data": [
"partnerName": "String",
"supportPackage": "String",
"customerDevelopmentManager": "String",
"mailtoLink": "String",
"supportJurisdiction": "String",
"renewalDate": "String",
"hostingJurisdiction": "String",
"customerAdvocate": "String",
"mainProduct": "String",
"officePhone": "String"
meta object
Field Type Description
status Number The function level status of the request.
Field Type Description
partnerName String The name of the partner aligned to the customer account if applicable.
mailtoLink String A link to email Mimecast support.
supportJurisdiction String The region that provides support for the customer account.
hostingJurisdiction String The region that the customer account is hosted in.
customerAdvocate String The name of the Mimecast Customer Advocate aligned to the customer account.
supportPackage String The support package that the customer has subscribed to.
customerDevelopmentManager String The name of the Customer Development Manager aligned to the customer account.
renewalDate String The customer's contract renewal date.
mainProduct String The main product that the customers has subscribed to.
officePhone String The office phone number for the region that rovides support for the customer account.

Sample Code

Sample code is provided to demonstrate how to use the API and is not representative of a production application. To use the sample code; complete the required variables as described, populate the desired values in the request body, and execute in your favorite IDE.  Please see the Global Base URL's page to find the correct base URL to use for your account.

POST {base_url}/api/account/get-support-info
Authorization: MC {accesskKey}:{Base64 encoded signed Data To Sign}
x-mc-date: {dateTime}
x-mc-req-id: {unique id}
x-mc-app-id: {applicationId}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
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