The Street: A whole new world: Cybersecurity expert calls out the breaking of online trust

    Masha Sedova, a cybersecurity expert and vice president of human risk strategy for Mimecast, told TheStreet that the golden age of the information era is no more. The age of digital distrust has arrived. 

    "We're moving into a whole new world where all online trust is broken," Sedova said, adding that the problem has seeped beyond the barriers of the internet and into other forms of communication, such as phone calls and emails. 

    People, she said, can no longer trust the information they encounter through digital mediums, whether it be related to political elections or personal family news. 

    She called it a "fundamental break" in modern human interaction. 

    And the existence of technologies that can synthetically replicate people, according to Sedova, means that the population must adapt very quickly to an environment where online information shouldn't be trusted. 

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