Outlook Recovery

    Manage Outlook recovery with Mimecast.

    In Office 365, Outlook recovery may require additional solutions

    When you migrate your email data to Microsoft® Office 365™, you may want to consider adding additional tools to manage Outlook recovery. While Office 365 is a powerful productivity suite, many organizations find it doesn't replace the best-of-breed, on-premises tools they have used in the past to backup outlook emails effectively and manage Outlook recovery. For robust e-discovery and compliance capabilities as well as the fastest search and retrieval tools, Mimecast offers cloud-based archiving services to complement Office 365's offerings.




    Manage Outlook recovery with Mimecast

    Mimecast provides a fully integrated, SaaS-based subscription service for managing email archiving, continuity and security. Mimecast combines powerful applications for employees to access data quickly with automated tools for administrators to manage mailboxes, e-discovery and litigation support as well as Outlook recovery and backup.

    Mimecast ensures successful Outlook recovery by providing thorough and comprehensive processes to backup emails from Outlook. Relying on multiple collection points, including gateway, journal and synchronization technologies, Mimecast's cloud archiving tools keep copies of the original email along with detailed metadata and copies of emails that were changed by policy enforcement. To enable complete Outlook recovery, Mimecast archives all inbound, outbound and internal email, as directed via retention policies.

    As a cloud-based solution, Mimecast provides instant protection for valuable data and intellectual property contained in email stores. And Mimecast reduces the cost and complexity of managing email by providing administrators with central control of retention policies and archiving tools via a single pane of glass.


    Mimecast benefits for Outlook recovery

    For successful Outlook recovery, Mimecast provides:

    • Flexible, policy-driven retention at the organization, group, mailbox or published retention folder level.
    • Tools for fast search and retrieval, with an industry-leading 7-second search SLA and the ability to quickly recover deleted items.
    • An independent, verifiable long-term repository of email data that conforms with best practices for information governance.
    • Complete archive access logging.
    • Secure storage where triplicate copies of emails are encrypted and stored in multiple geographically dispersed data centers to ensure data security.
    • Data protection solutions that guard email from human error, cyber attacks and technical failure, whether data is hosted in the cloud or on premise.
    • Comprehensive tools for regulatory, e-discovery and litigation support, with compliance-driven chains of custody.
    • Seamless migration of live and archived email data to Office 365.

    Learn more about Outlook recovery and how to backup outlook emails with Mimecast.


    FAQs: Outlook recovery

    What is Outlook recovery?

    Outlook recovery is the process of restoring email, calendar items and contacts that have been lost, corrupted or deleted by recovering information from a backup copy of Outlook data.

    Does Office 365 offer Outlook backup and recovery tools?

    Most organizations today use Outlook as part of Microsoft Office 365, which is the world’s most popular productivity suite. While Office 365 provides certain built-in data protection capabilities, it does not offer email backup or Outlook recovery tools. Consequently, companies wishing to deploy data protection solutions for Office 365 must either backup email to on-premise infrastructure or deploy a cloud-based point solution.

    Why are Outlook recovery capabilities important?

    Email data can be easily lost for a variety of reasons. Accidental deletion due to human error is common. Email can also be lost or corrupted due to hardware failure and to disaster. And as email remains the primary attack vector for cyber threats such as ransomware and malware, email can be easily targeted or held hostage by malicious individuals.

    In these cases, an Outlook backup and recovery solution allows email administrators to find individual email, folders or mailboxes within a backup and quickly restore data from copies of the original. These capabilities are important to maintaining productivity, ensuring business continuity and preventing fines or penalties related to failure to comply with regulations concerning the use and retention of email data.

    What’s the difference between archiving and email recovery for Outlook?

    Email archiving is the process of moving original email data off Outlook primary storage servers to secondary storage archives for long-term retention. Email archiving enables administrators to ensure that historic email can be adequately organized, secured, protected and made available for legal, compliance and reference purposes. Archiving also helps to reduce cost by minimizing the amount of data on primary storage that must be regularly backed up, and by minimizing the strain on primary data storage devices.

    While email archives store original email that is no longer active, email backup and recovery for Outlook involves storing copies of the original email on separate storage devices to protect against data loss.

    What features are important in a third-party solution for Outlook recovery?

    When choosing a third-party technology to provide Outlook backup and recovery for Office 365 data, organizations are wise to choose solutions that offer:

    • Streamlined management and configuration of Outlook recovery and search that minimize the time and burden on email administrators.
    • Tools that enable rapid recovery of mailboxes, personal folders, contact lists and calendar items.
    • Integration with email archiving technology to simplify the configuration and management of email retention policies.
    • Support for Outlook recovery within on-premises, cloud and hybrid environments.
    • Multilayered security defenses against cyber threats such as ransomware and malware as well as data loss and damage.
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