Office365 Archiving

    Improve Office365 archiving with Mimecast.

    Improve Office365 archiving with Mimecast

    While Microsoft® Office 365 enables organizations to more easily deploy a cloud email system and eliminate on-premises email servers, Office365 archiving features don't provide users and administrators with the capabilities required for an enterprise-class email archiving program.

    A superior email archiving solution incorporates and manages legacy archive data, but Office365 archive options don't provide tools to migrate and manage legacy data easily and cost-effectively. Office365 archiving also lacks sufficient compliance and e-discovery capabilities, adding another layer of burden to overtaxed IT administrators. And because all copies of email are stored within the same architecture and platform, Office365 archiving creates a single-point-of-failure without delivering the redundancy required of a robust archiving program.

    Mimecast Enterprise Information Archiving provides a rich set of cloud services to augment Office365 archiving capabilities. As an independent and perpetual archive in the cloud, Mimecast delivers superior redundancy, storing encrypted copies of email in multiple data centers that are geographically-dispersed. Mimecast also provides granular e-discovery and litigation hold capabilities for Office 365 archive email systems for compliance and evidentiary requests. And Mimecast significantly simplifies and speeds migration of legacy archive data while also providing tools to manage all historic and current email more easily.




    Mimecast's tools for Office365 archiving

    Mimecast Enterprise Information Archiving provides secure, perpetual storage for email, files and Lync IM conversations. Mimecast enables users and administrators to quickly find a single email or to support a larger e-discovery case.

    Mimecast's Office365 archiving solution also enables you to:

    • Search email archives on any device, from any location using intuitive and powerful desktop and mobile apps eliminating the need for IT support on archive searches.
    • Manage mailbox sizes, data retention policies and reporting from a single, unified administrative console.
    • Reduce the time required to respond to requests related to compliance, litigation and e-discovery.
    • Ensure archive integrity and mail security with compliance-driven chains of custody for all archived data.


    Migrating legacy data with Mimecast's office365 archiving solution

    Mimecast's Office365 archiving solutions also include tools for rapid ingestion of historical email archives. By moving legacy email data to Mimecast prior to an Office 365 email migration, you can dramatically reduce migration risk, speed migration and reduce the cost and complexity of managing multiple email stores.

    Learn more about Mimecast's Office365 archiving solution, and about Mimecast solutions for Office 365 disaster recovery in Office 365 enterprise support.

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