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Wir stellen den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns, indem wir wichtige Schutz- und Datenkontrollen ausrichten und Ihnen einen umfassenden Ansatz für das Management von menschlichen Risiken bieten.

Schützen Sie E-Mail und Zusammenarbeit, schulen Sie Mitarbeiter und erkennen Sie Insider-Risiken mit der Mimecast-Plattform.

Proactively address the growing insider threats lurking within your collaboration platforms


Manage insider threats with workflows that move at the speed of collaboration

Insider threats are one of the biggest security risks facing modern enterprises. Whether malicious or negligent in nature, security leaders need ways to detect and mitigate the risks they pose to company culture, data, and reputation.

  • Identify multiple kinds of unauthorized activity. Including code and password detection, restricted file sharing, NSFW images and more.
  • Enforce policies with encouraged and discouraged behavior settings. Coach employees on acceptable use in real-time as rules are triggered.
  • Understand the full context. Discover the who, what, where, when, how, and why of every insider threat incident at a glance.

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