    Email & Collaboration Threat Protection

    The State of Email Security 2023

    Cyber risk commands the C-suite’s focus

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    Key Points

    • 33 billion electronic records are expected to be stolen.
    • Cybercrime is expected to cost the world $8 trillion.
    • Globally, the average cost of a data breach is $4.35 million.
    • The average cost in the U.S. is more than double that, at $9.44 million.

    “In the breakdown of our State of Email Security report, the 1,700 CISOs and other information technology professionals surveyed bring the nature of the risks they face into sharp relief and present a realistic picture of the steps they are taking to overcome them.”


    Mimecast’s seventh annual State of Email Security report comes as organizations all over the world grow more skittish over rising economic volatility and intensifying geopolitical tensions. Now is definitely not the time to become lax on cybersecurity.

    Get the latest insights from 1,700 CISOs and other IT professionals as they present a realistic picture of the steps they are taking to protect their organizations in the face of increases in email usage, email-based threats, and the sophistication of cyberattacks.

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